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Camballo, David & Lo, Joseph (1998)
The IRC Prelude.
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Carlstrom, Eva-Lise (1992)
Better living through language. The Communicative Implications of a Text-only Virtual Environment or, Welcome to LambdaMOO!
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Cerratto, Tessy (2001)
Collaborative learning in synchronous text-based environments.
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Cerratto, Tessy (2001)
The use of synchronous text-based environments for teacher professional development.
In: Beißwenger, Michael (Ed.): Chat-Kommunikation. Sprache, Interaktion, Sozialität & Identität in synchroner computervermittelter Kommunikation. Perspektiven auf ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld. Stuttgart, 493-514.
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Cerratto, Tessy & Waern, Y. (2000)
Chatting to learn and learning to chat in collaborative virtual environments.
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Cerratto, Tessy & Waern, Y. (2001)
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Chenault, Brittney G. (1998)
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Cherney, Lynn (1995)
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Cherney, Lynn (1995)
"Objectifying" the Body in the Discourse of an Object-Oriented MUD.
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Conversation and Community: Chat in a Virtual World.

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Chiapparini, Marco (1996)
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Christen, Helen
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Cicognani, Anna (1997)
Design Speech Acts. "How to do things with words" in virtual communities.
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Cicognani, Anna (1997)
On the linguistic nature of Cyberspace and Virtual Communities.
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