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"Can anyone tell me how to /join#real.life?" Zur Identitätskonstruktion im Cyberspace.
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On the linguistic nature of Cyberspace and Virtual Communities.
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MUDs - faszinierende virtuelle Welten. Ein Vergleich der Selbstdarstellung in Multi-User Dungeons und im "Realen Leben" mit Hilfe von Theorien Erving Goffmans.
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Psychologie und Internet. Psychologische Grundlagenstudie zum Phänomen Internet Relay Chat. Qualitative Analyse der Bedeutungsschwerpunkte für die Anwender.
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Danet, Brenda, Ruedenberg-Wright, L. & Tamari-Rosenbaum, Y. (1997)
"Hmmm... where's that smoke coming from?" - Writing, Play and Performance on Internet Relay Chat.
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Analyse einer öffentlichen Gruppenkonversation im Chat-Room. Referenzformen, kommunikationspraktische Regularitäten und soziale Strukturen in einem kontextarmen Medium.
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The Internet Relay Chat (IRC): Linguistic Perspectives.
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Filinski, Peter (1998)
Chatten in der CyberWorld.

Frederking, Volker, Steinig, Wolfgang & Berghoff, Matthias (1998)
Altmedial contra Cybernatic Samurai. Eine Pro- und Contra-Debatte im Chat als Beispiel für computervermittelter Kommunikation.
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Fröhlich, Romy & Goetz, Lutz (1996)
Disputieren, flamen, chatten. Frauen und Männer in den kommunikativen Nischen des Internet.
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Grosch , Yvonne (1997)
Schreibend sprechen? Zur Gesprächshaftigkeit in Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC), dargelegt am Internet Relay Chat (IRC).
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Haase, Martin, Huber, Michael, Krumeich, Alexander & Rehm, Georg (1997)
Internetkommunikation und Sprachwandel.
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Hammann, Robin B. (1996)
Cyborgasms. Cybersex Amongst Multiple-Selves and Cyborgs in the Narrow-Bandwidth Space of America Online Chat Rooms.
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Linguistic and Critical Analysis of Computer-Mediated Communication. Some Ethical and Scholary Considerations.
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Jakobs, Eva-Maria (1998)
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The cold warmth of communication in computer networks.
In: Nöth, Winfried (Ed.): Semiotics of the media. State of the Art, Projects, and Perspectives. Berlin. New York (Approaches to Semiotics 127), 519-534.

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Causes and Implications of Disinhibited Behavior on the Internet.
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Jones, Quentin (1997)
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Cybersociety 2.0: Revisiting computer-mediated communication and community.
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Jones, Steven G. (Ed., 1997)
Virtual Culture. Identity and Communication in Cyberspace.

Kollock, Peter & Smith, Marc A. (1996)
Managing the Virtual Commons. Cooperation and Conflict in Computer Communities.
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Krämer, Sybille (1997)
Vom Mythos "Künstliche Intelligenz " zum Mythos " Künstliche Kommunikation " Oder: Ist eine nicht-anthropomorphe Beschreibung von Internet-Interaktionen möglich?
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Krause, Susanne (1997)
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Krumm, Katja Rebekka (1998)
Die Sprache im Internet. Untersuchungen am Beispiel des Chat.
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Latzko-Toth, Guillaume (1998)
À la rencontre des tribus IRC: le cas d'une communauté d'usagers québécois de l'Internet Relay Chat, mémoire de maîtrise.
Paper, Département des communications, Université du Québec á Montréal 1998.
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Lindlif, T.R. & Shatzer, M.J. (1998)
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Lüscher, Christoph (1997)
Zur Konstruktion von Identität im virtuellen Raum.
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MacKinnon, Richard C. (1997)
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Mause, Doris (1997)
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McDaniel, Susan E., Olson, Gary M. & C. Magee, Joseph (1996)
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Meise-Kuhn, Kathrin (1998)
Zwischen Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit. Sprachliche und konversationelle Verfahren in der Computerkommunikation.
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Müller, Jörg (1996)
Virtuelle Körper. Aspekte sozialer Körperlichkeit im Cyberspace.
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Murphy, Karen L. & Collins, Mauri P. (1997)
Development of Communication Conventions in Instructional Electronic Chats.
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Naumann, Bernd (1997)
IRCs - schriftliche Sonderformen von Mehrpersonengesrpächen.
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Naumann, Bernd (1998)
Stirbt die deutsche Sprache? Überlegungen zum Sprachwandel durch IRC (Internet Relay Chat).
In: Cmerjrkova, Svetla (Ed.): Dialoganalyse VI. Referate der 6. Arbeitstagung Prag 1996. Teil 1. Tübingen, 249-262.

Newhagen, John E. & Rafaeli, Sheizaf (1996)
Why Communication Researchers Should Study the Internet: A Dialogue.
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O'Day, V., Bobrow, D. , Shirley, M., Hughes, B. & Walters, J. (1998)
Moving Practice: From Classrooms to MOO Rooms.
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Parks, Malcolm R. & Floyd, Kory (1996)
Making Friends in Cyberspace.
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Parks, Malcolm R. & Roberts, L. D. (1997)
"Making MOOsic " - The development of personal relationships on-line and a comparison to their off-line counterparts.
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Quasthoff, Uta M. (1997)
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Reid, Elizabeth M. (1996)
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Reid, Elizabeth M. (1996)
Informed Consent in the Study of On-Line Communities: A Reflection on the Effects of Computer-Mediated Social Research.
In: The Information Society 12 (2), 169-174.

Reid, Elizabeth M. (1998)
Dissolution and Fragmentation: Problems in Online Communities.
In: Jones, Steven G. (Ed.): CyberSociety II. Thousand Oaks, CA.

Reid, Elizabeth M. (1998)
Power and the Evolution of Social Control in Cyberspace.
In: Kollock, Peter & Smith, Marc A. (Ed.): Communities in Cyberspace. Routledge.

Reid, Elizabeth M. (1998)
The Self and the Internet: Variations on the "Illusion" of One Self.
In: Gackenbach, Jayne (Ed.): Psychology and the Internet: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, and Transpersonal Implications.

Rintel, E.S. & Pittam, J. (1997)
Communicative and Non-Communicative Silence on Internet Relay Chat: Management and Function.
Paper, 47th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association. Montreal.

Rintel, E.S. & Pittam, J. (1997)
Strangers in a Strange Land: Interaction Management on Internet Relay Chat.
In: Human Communication Research 23 (4), 507-534.

Roberts , L. D., Smith, L. M. & Pollock, C. (1996)
Exploring virtuality: Telepresence in text-based virtual environments.
Paper presented at the Cybermind Conference, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia.
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Roberts , L.D., Smith, L.M. & Pollock, C. (1996)
A model of social interaction via computer-mediated communication in real-time text-based virtual environments.
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Roberts , L.D., Smith, L.M. & Pollock, C. (1996)
Social interaction in MOOs. Constraints and opportunities of a text-based virtual environment for interpersonal communication.
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Roddy, Brian J. & Epelman-Wang, Hernan (1998)
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Rodino, M. (1997)
Breaking out of Binaries: Reconceptualizing Gender and its Relationship to Language in Computer-Mediated Communication.
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Runkehl, Jens, Schlobinski, Peter & Siever, Torsten (1998)
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Salmon, Gilly & Giles, Ken (1997)
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Sandbothe, Mike (1998)
Theatrale Aspekte des Internet. Prolegomena zu einer zeichentheoretischen Analyse theatraler Textualität.
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Schestag, Alexander (1998)
Chatten wie wild - das IRC.
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Schlobinski, Peter (1998)
Pseudonyme und Nicknames.
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Shaw, David (1997)
Gay Men and Computer Communication: A Discourse of Sex and Identity in Cyberspace.
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Stewart, Concetta M. (1997)
The Dynamics of Online Chats: An Examination of Gender Issues in IRC.
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Sturm, Bettina & Wundrak, Rixta (1998)
Identität und Internet.
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Suler, John (1997)
Communicative Subtlety in Multimedia Chat. How many ways can you say "Hi" at the Palace?
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Tasche, Karl (1997)
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Turbee, Lonnee (1996)
MOOing in a foreign language; how, why, and who?
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Turkle, Sherry (1996)
Identität in virtueller Realität. Multi User Dungeons als Identity Workshops.
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Turkle, Sherry (1998)
Leben im Netz. Identität im Zeitalter des Internet.

Wagner, Gerald & Schlese, Michael (1997)
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Walther, Joseph B. (1996)
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Waskul, Dennis & Douglass, Mark (1997)
Cyberself: The Emergence of Self in On-Line Chat. Information Society.
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Weinreich, Frank (1998)
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Wellman, Barry (1997)
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Werry, Christopher C. (1996)
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